Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Bird & Pair Lists

The List Screen is your home screen in AviMan. Clicking on the home button will bring you back to this screen. This screen has two drop-down boxes at the top. The first allows you to select the species and the second lets you select the type of items you want listed. For example you may select Cockatiel as the species and Breeder as the bird status to list all cockatiels with their status set to breeder. You may also list pairs in your aviary by selecting Pairs: Current or Pairs: Past in the second drop-down box. Selecting any item in the list will take you to the details page of that bird or pair.
You may search for a bird using the search button at the top. Enter any part of the name or band number and click search to see the list of results.
The menu in the top right corner allows you to

  • Edit app settings
  • Backup Data
  • Purchase AviMan Upgrades
  • Display these Help pages